hot as Greece and Cyprus!

Pictured enjoying an ice cream on the prom are Beth Barnes, 17, Lauren Hirst, 21 and Loren Cawthorne, aged 20Pictured enjoying an ice cream on the prom are Beth Barnes, 17, Lauren Hirst, 21 and Loren Cawthorne, aged 20
Pictured enjoying an ice cream on the prom are Beth Barnes, 17, Lauren Hirst, 21 and Loren Cawthorne, aged 20
The Fylde coast is set for a spell of sizzling weather as an African heatwave sends temperatures soaring today.

Predicted temperatures for Blackpool suggest the hot spell could see temperatures rise as high as 28 degrees between today and tomorrow.

The Met Office forecasts hot air travelling from the African continent will send highs on the Fylde coast rocketing, with weather cooling on Thursday before reaching the mid-20s again on Friday.

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If predictions are accurate, Blackpool could be as hot as parts of Greece and Cyprus.

Nicola Maxey, Met Office spokesman, said: “Weather temperatures are expected to rise to the mid to high 20s for the Fylde coast area.

“We have got a slim possibility of temperatures reaching higher than that.

“There is also a risk of some thundery downpours, but that is only a risk and something to be aware of.

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“It cools down fairly quickly. Temperatures build up but into Thursday it is nearer 20 degrees.

“Tuesday and Wednesday temperatures will stay quite high throughout the night, probably the high teens, which is something to be aware of.”

Temperatures in London are expected to rise as high as the early to mid 30 degrees.

The weather reflects a heatwave being experienced across much of Europe, pushed towards the continent from Africa.

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In Spain and France, weather is expected to reach the late 30 degrees or early 40 degrees.

Mrs Maxey added: “This hot air is coming from continental Europe, as the air flow is being pushed up this way from across Africa.

“Some parts of France could reach the 40s, with Paris expected to be in the high 30s.

“We are getting the northern edge of that air.

“We are not getting the extremes. It is very short-lived and then dips down again before rising again on Friday to the mid 20 degrees.”

Your guide to staying safe during the heatwave

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Much of England is set to experience heatwave conditions from today (30 June).

But the soaring temperatures could pose a risk to health, increasing the risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Children, young babies and the elderly are particularly vulnerable.

Public Health England has issued advice on how people can stay safe in the high temperatures:

• Try to stay out of the sun between 11am and 3pm.

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• Protect against sunburn and use on sunscreen of at least SPF15 with UVA protection.

• Wear sunglasses with UV protection to prevent damage to your eyes.

• Wear light, loose-fitting clothing and a hat to keep cool.

• Quench a thirst and drink plenty of cold fluids. If you feel dizzy or develop a headache try and rehydrate, using rehydration sachets from a pharmacy if necessary.

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• Do not do too much exercise - use the hot weather as an excuse to take a day off.

• Never leave anyone or an animal in a closed, parked car.

• Keep your house airy - close curtains when the sun is shining and open windows during cooler parts of the day and at night. Turning off non-essential lights and electrical items will also help lower the temperature.

• Muslims observing Ramadan should take extra care and drink plenty of water between fasts.

• St John Ambulance advises anyone who feels unwell during the hot weather to get somewhere cool and rehydrated as soon as possible, and see a doctor if this does not help.