These are the latest cases and convictions from Blackpool Magistrates' Court - Thursday, September 12, 2019

Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court
Here is the latest round-up of cases from Blackpool Magistrates' Court

Adrian Gartshorse-Taylor, 66, sexual assault and taking an indecent photograph of a child

A pensioner accused of committing a series of sex attacks on an 11-year-old boy in a caravan at an equestrian centre has made his first appearance at court.

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Adrian Gartshore-Taylor, 66, of West End Road, Morecambe, faces three charges of sexually assaulting the boy and one charge of taking an indecent photograph of him. The offences are alleged to have taken place between January 1 and November 29 2002.

Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court

Prosecutor, Tracy Yates, asked for the case to be heard at crown court.

Defence lawyer, Gerry Coyle, said his client would not indicate pleas to the offences at that stage.

Gartshore-Taylor was bailed to appear at Preston Crown Court.

Christopher Burns-Campbell, 55, drunk and disorderly

An angry hotel worker staged a protest after he was sacked.

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Christopher Burns-Campbell scaled scaffolding outside the Parisian Hotel on Blackpool’s Promenade.

He remained on the scaffold for two-and-a-half hours. Police and Fire officers tried to talk him down but they felt in danger as articles fell from the scaffold near to where they were standing.

Burns-Campbell, 55, of Hazeldene Road, Fleetwood, admitted being drunk and disorderly in public.

District Judge Jane Goodwin told him: “You were there for over two hours and emergency services had to be diverted to what you were doing.”

She fined him £100 and ordered him to pay £117 costs.

Burns-Campbell told the hearing:”I had been drinking.

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“I did grab a rope when I was on the scaffold. I did not realise there was something on the end of it.

“It was a former workmate who called the police.”

Peter Coleman, 44, rape

A Fleetwood man has been sent for trial at Preston Crown Court charged with historic rape offences.

Peter Coleman, 44, of Beach Road is charged with five allegation of raping a girl when she was aged under eight .

He is also charged with five counts of inciting the girl to engage in sexual activity.

The charges relate to a period between 2008 and 2012.

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Coleman was bailed by District Judge Jane Goodwin sitting at Blackpool Magistrates Court pending his first hearing at the higher court on October 9.

Cage Blundell, 25, drug-driving

A routine check on a driver’s insurance status ended with a man being arrested for drug driving.

Cage Blundell was over the cocaine and cannabis levels when tests were carried out District Judge Goodwin heard.

Blundell, 25, of Newby Place, Marton, admitted two charges of drug driving. His lawyer Martin Hillson said: “He was co operative throughout the procedures.”

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He said his client was suffering mental health issues and when the judge gave him a 12 weeks suspended jail term she told him: “If you have mental health issued the last thing you should be taking are these type of drugs.”

Blundell must also do 20 days rehabilitation and he was banned from the road for 30 months.

Mitchell Bolus, 23, drink-driving

The door of a drink driver’s car fell off as he was getting out of the vehicle after being challenged by police.

Mitchell Bolus, 23, of Langfield Avenue, South Shore, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

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He was banned from the road for 17 months, fined £265 with £85 costs and ordered to pay £32 victims’ surcharge by Blackpool magistrates.

Prosecutor, Tracy Yates, said on August 18 at 5.15am police saw Bolus driving a Renault Megane on Highfield Road.

He appeared to be trying to evade the police and went down a side street at speed stopping on Edgeway Road.

When asked to open his door Bolus said he couldn’t because it was broken and he would have to climb out of the other door, but he then opened his door which fell off.

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A breath test showed 64 microgrammes of alcohol in his body - 35 is the limit.

Steven Townley, defending, said his client, who had no previous convictions, had co-operated with the breathalyser procedure.

At present Bolus worked for a kitchen design company but he was soon to start an apprenticeship at a garage.