Mum's The Word - March 1, 2016

William Mellor with his big sister Gracie, on the plane ride at Gulliver'sWilliam Mellor with his big sister Gracie, on the plane ride at Gulliver's
William Mellor with his big sister Gracie, on the plane ride at Gulliver's
It's a poor do when you discover your toddler son is more of a daredevil than you.

Especially when you’re on the tea cup and saucer ride.

We took the kids to Gulliver’s World, in Warrington, during the half term holiday – and there, William uncovered his inner swashbuckler.

With three children aged two to 12, it often takes some thought to come up with family days to suit all ages.

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So as Gulliver’s is aimed at two to 13-year-olds, it was the perfect place for some family fun.

“Who wants to go on some rides?,” I said as we arrived.

“Meeeeee!,” shouted William, not even knowing what rides are.

But he certainly didn’t waste any time finding out what they were all about.

The tea cups ride looked nice and gentle so we jumped aboard.

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Little did we know our adrenalin junkie tot had other ideas and worked out that if he spun the wheel in the middle, he could make the tea cup spin faster.

So off he went, spinning the steering wheel like a Formula One driver taking a hairpin bend.

William was giggling like never before – while the hubby and I turned a funny shade of green and had to insist he span the wheel in the opposite direction so we stopped feeling dizzy!

“More, more!,” our little roller coaster hothead shouted.

Car, plane and tractor rides later and William was having the best time ever.

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So before we headed home we had a quick play on the pirate ship park.

He loved climbing up to the top of the ship, which, incidentally, wasn’t all that high.

But the little adventurer suddenly lost his bottle and would only go down the wooden slide on my knee.

It’s nice to know even little daredevils still need their mummies sometimes.

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