‘Social pariah’ gets five years in prison

Peter ThompsonPeter Thompson
Peter Thompson
A Fylde man convicted of sexually assaulting two girls has been sentenced to five-and-a-half years jail.

Peter Thompson, 52, was jailed at Preston Crown Court after a jury convicted him of six counts of sexual assault on two girls under 13.

Thompson of Station Road, Wesham had denied the charges.

Michael Maher, defending, handed in a number of references on behalf of Thompson.

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A pre sentence report by probation had called the offences an “aberration”. There didn’t appear to be a significant risk to girls of similar offending and Thompson did not present as a sophisticated sex offender.

Mr Maher told the court: “It was such an aberration for someone who had otherwise led a law abiding lifestyle and who has channelled his energies not just in a positive way, but an exemplary way.

“But for this, he was a model member of the community. As a result of these offences, he is now a social pariah.”

The barrister added that people inside and outside the defendant’s community had genuine reason to be grateful to Thompson.

He knew that an immediate jail term would follow.

Judge Robert Altham told Thompson as he passed sentence: “These are matters so serious that only an immediate custodial sentence can be warranted.”