Andrew Threckeld, 80ft up working on the stonework surrounding the clock face of the Cocker Memorial Tower in Stanley Park, 1988Andrew Threckeld, 80ft up working on the stonework surrounding the clock face of the Cocker Memorial Tower in Stanley Park, 1988
Andrew Threckeld, 80ft up working on the stonework surrounding the clock face of the Cocker Memorial Tower in Stanley Park, 1988

11 evocative scenes of Blackpool treasure Stanley Park - moments, memories and people through the years

Blackpool Stanley Park is a town treasure.

It has provided a wonderful green space for everyone to enjoy since 1926. Of course, it’s protected by Grade II listed status and has won awards for being the best park in the UK. We already know that though.

These photos go right back to the early days, the band stand, Cocker Memorial Clock, the playground and leisurely scenes of people enjoying the landscape.